Sleep Apnea and ED
July 01, 2022 by Prime Clean
The negative effects of sleep apnea are well known and discussed. However, as some of them are discussed loudly in any company, some are more likely to be discussed only with a physician or the closest ones… What is the link between Sleep Apnea and Erectile Dysfunction (ED)? How often does it occur? What is the solution for it? We made an investigation on this subject and summed it up in a 8-minute-read article…
First Things First
We wrote many times about Sleep Apnea, Dangers and causes of sleep apnea, CPAP Machine (CPAP Breathing Machine), CPAP Ozone Disinfector, What’s the best pillow to use with cpap machine, What are the effects of Ozone, Can you pack cpap cleaner in a bag when traveling by airplane, The importance of quality sleep…any subject related to sleep apnea or CPAP therapy you might think of, we wrote about it; well, after reviewing our work so far, seems we didn't write about everything…there are few more important subjects left, including today's: relation between sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction. And it's not that we think this subject is something that shouldn't be talked about out loud (quite the opposite), it's just that it is one of those subjects that don't come up often enough. We strongly believe that this should be changed, and any issue that causes physical and/or mental discomfort should be openly discussed, as that is the only way to accept and start resolving it.
ED 101
Let's check some high-quality sources for precise definitions and info on the ED: Johns Hopkins Medicine defines erectile dysfunction as the persistent inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. The Massachusetts Male Aging Study surveyed 1,709 men aged 40–70 years between 1987 and 1989 and found there was a total prevalence of erectile dysfunction of 52 percent. It was estimated that, in 1995, over 152 million men worldwide experienced ED. For 2025, the prevalence of ED is predicted to be approximately 322 million worldwide. In the past, erectile dysfunction was commonly believed to be caused by psychological problems. It is now known that, for most men, erectile dysfunction is caused by physical problems, usually related to the blood supply of the penis.
How common is ED? Important to know is that occasional ED isn’t uncommon; it can often be triggered by stress and in such situations, it may affect many people. Frequent ED, especially in situations and during times that are not stressful, can be a sign of health problems, and in those situations, it might need treatment. It can also be a sign of emotional or relationship difficulties that you may want to address with a professional.
According to the info from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) around 30 million men in the U.S. have ED. The prevalence of ED increases with age and according to the University of Wisconsin’s research, it is estimated that moderate ED affects 10 percent more men for each decade of life (since it usually starts around 50 years of age, for around 50% of men, then 60 percent of men in their 60s might experience some moderate form of ED).
What are the causes of ED? Causes can be divided into 2 major categories: physical (physiological) and psychological. Although it was considered the other way round before, nowadays we know that physical causes account for 90 percent of ED cases!
The most common physical (physiological) causes are:
- Cardiovascular conditions and disease
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Sleep apnea
- Hormonal disorders
- Smoking, Alcohol, and Substance abuse
- Surgical complications
- Taking certain drugs
The most common physical (physiological) causes are:
- Depression
- General anxiety
- Fear of intimacy
- Stress
Sexual performance anxiety (SPA) affects 9–25% of men and contributes to premature ejaculation and psychogenic erectile dysfunction (ED).
Sleep Apnea and ED
Sleep apnea is a type of snoring in which there is a longer pause in the process of breathing, more precisely, inhaling the air. Air inflow is obstructed, partially or fully, by blocking the upper airway, and this is known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and it is the most common type of sleep apnea. Although sleep apnea occasionally happens to almost everyone, people with severe conditions should seek medical attention and treatment.
Common signs of sleep apnea are:
- Reduced or absent breathing, known as apnea events
- Frequent loud snoring
- Gasping for air during sleep.
Common symptoms of sleep apnea are:
- Excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue
- Decreases in attention, vigilance, concentration, motor skills, and verbal and visuospatial memory
- Dry mouth or headaches when waking
- Sexual dysfunction or decreased libido
- Wake up often during the night to urinate.
Although there is no direct, causal, scientifically proven link between sleep apnea and ED, there are many correlation statistics and evidence of it. Scientists still don’t know exactly why, men with OSA have higher rates of ED, but they clearly do. Several factors might be influencing this… Sleep apnea-caused sleep deprivation can affect man’s testosterone levels to dip. It also influences stress and fatigue, which are another key factors related to libido and erections. Sleep apnea directly influences oxygen levels as it restricts oxygen which is again very important for healthy erections.
Treatment of Sleep Apnea Induced ED
So, even though more research on this topic is needed, an obvious correlation between OSA and ED indicates that treating obstructive sleep apnea may also help treat erectile dysfunction. Sleep apnea treatments actually can often be used as proof that erectile dysfunction is in direct relation to it.
Treating OSA-induced ED effectively actually means treating OSA itself. And the most efficient treatment for OSA is CPAP therapy.
The CPAP therapy was popularized 40-50 years ago and since then has been on the rise as the most effective solution for the sleep apnea condition. The therapy is medically prescribed and requires the use of a CPAP machine and equipment which pushes the pressurized air into the patient's airways and with that keeps them open all the time, thus preventing sleep apnea.
A CPAP machine is a mechanical device that sends air pressure through a mask while a person is asleep. This air pressure is greater than that of the air around, which helps keep upper airway passages open to stop apnea and snoring. Because CPAP is a medical device, all CPAP units must have Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval before they can be sold and can be bought only with a medical prescription. This goes in line with diagnosing sleep apnea and in this case diagnosing sleep apnea-induced erectile dysfunctions.
Deciding to consult a physician about an ED issue is often the key step, as it is a step that many men are not comfortable with. But from there on, the process of resolving the issue has already started!
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Sleep, Sleep Apnea, and CPAP