What you should know about CPAP Breathing Machine
If you have problems sleeping, you snore loudly or you wake up in the morning more tired than you were last night, you may suffer from sleep apnea. This is a condition that affects your airways and causes them to collapse while sleeping. As you may assume, you will wake up instantly. A CPAP Breathing Machine is the most common treatment for this condition. But, before we move to the actual machine,let’s take a look at the sleep apnea details.
3 Types of Sleep Apnea
There are three main types of sleep apnea. All of them have the same side effects but they differ. Below you can see the main types explained.
1. Obstructive sleep apnea
This type occurs when throat muscle relaxes while sleeping and causes you to stop breathing for a short period of time.
2. Central sleep apnea
It is a more severe type in which the problem is in the brain. It won’t send proper impulses and therefore it won’t be able to properly control breathing while we sleep.
3. Complex sleep apnea
This is a combination of the two, previous types and it requires treatment as soon as possible. It is the most severe type of them all.
Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
There are plenty of sleep apnea symptoms but most of them appear regardless of which type you suffer from, making diagnosing it much easier. Anyway, the most common symptoms are:
· Snoring (loud)
· Breathing stops
· Gasping
· Hypersomnia (feeling sleepy and tired all day)
· Insomnia (have problems to fell asleep)
· Decreased focus
· Irritability
All of these symptoms or several of them may appear in a patient and it is mandatory to have a proper doctor examination as soon as possible. Sleep apnea can cause more severe diseases and conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and many others.
Life changes that can eliminate sleep apnea
Yes, there are some things people can do in order to decrease the side effects of sleep apnea has on their lives. These are relatively simple changes that are healthy in any way imaginable and can help you lead a normal and healthy life for longer.
Lose a few pounds
Losing weight is the first thing you must do if you suffer from sleep apnea. Fat deposits can affect the airways and collapse them while sleeping causing sleep apnea in the first place. People who have a double chin and thick necks are even at a higher risk and losing weight is mandatory.
Nasal and chest congestion
Adenoids and also Tonsils can increase the size of airways and block them at some point causing sleep apnea. Children may inherit a narrow throat issue which also contributes to developing sleep apnea. All of these will affect how you sleep at night and you will probably develop sleep apnea at some moment. Treating them is mandatory. You can use natural remedies to treat issues such as sore throat and also congestion.
Stop smoking
Smoking has a huge side effect on sleep apnea and can help you develop the condition sooner than you may believe. Do not start smoking or stop as soon as you can.
Avoid sedatives and alcohol
Both of them will relax your muscles and they will collapse causing sleep apnea. Avoiding them can make a massive difference and can help you get impressive improvements.
Introducing the CPAP machine
CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and it is a machine that will force or increase the air pressure that reaches your moth ad nose. As such, the airways cannot collapse while you sleep and you will stop snoring. It is the most common and most effective sleep apnea treatment these days.
A user can select the pressure he needs and can pick between various masks available on the market. The best one is a mask that is completely effective, very comfortable and can be worn the entire night.
All machines of this type consist of an air compressor, water tank, hose, filter, and the mask. The hose will transport pressurized air from the air compressor to the mask and into your mouth or nose. That air will be humid thanks to the water tank and filter. The CPAP machine is extremely effective, but also extremely safe.
It is important to keep in mind that the mask must not leak while using the machine. It must maintain the same pressure. Another thing is that you may opt for ramp feature which will start with low pressure and increase it while you are asleep.
Benefits and advantages of CPAP machines
There are several perks of using this type of machine and they are all available to all users. Anyway, the perks are:
· You don’t have to have surgery or anything similar
· Decreases the risk of heart problems and high blood pressure
· Decreases risk of stroke and heart attack
· There are no drawbacks
The only possible issues when using the mask is falling asleep and also leaking mask. Replace the mask with a more suitable version if that happens and also try to wear it during a day for a few hours just so you can get used to it.
Stuffy nose is another problem some patients may have and it is solved by getting a full-size mask and also a CPAP machine with a humidifier feature.
Try to remember that all components must be perfectly clean and they must be cleaned once per day or week. The best option for this task is Prime Clean, an impressive gadget that does all hard work instead of you.
The final word
A CPAP Breathing Machine is a mandatory treatment for sleep apnea and the most effective one. You can have proper sleep during the night and you can eliminate all of the symptoms we have mentioned at the beginning. Using one is extremely simple and easy.
What you should know about CPAP Breathing Machine
Cleaning the CPAP Machine Components